Maungarei Springs Crag Clean-Up
Andy and Stephan are organising a crag clean up at Maungarei Springs (Stonefields) on Sat 29th April and are in need of volunteers! There'll be some weeding, moving choss and picking up rubbish - and possibly some climbing after if we're speedy.

Maungarei Springs is currently looking pretty run down with rubbish from the storms and weeds that have sprung up in the recent good weather.
Come along and help out, we'll spend the first couple of hours getting rid of rubbish and weeds, then work on moving choss around to make access easier and safer. Bring and wear quality gloves as some of the weeds (e.g. gorse / nettles) are pretty nasty.
Depending on how quickly we get through it there should be some time for some climbing. We used to use weedwhackers but we now pull, bag and get the weeds out as they've been spreading, due to distribution of seeds when we've just whacked them in the past.
I'll be bringing some tools and rubbish bags to put all the rubbish and plants into, but if you have a good way to dispose of them (to save me doing it in a bit by bit fashion) that would be helpful.
Let's get Auckland's current home of premier climbing looking like it!