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Kawakawa Bay Easter Trip

Updated: Jul 19, 2023

AURAC headed to K-Bay for their annual Easter trip. It was a great trip filled with lots of climbing, Easter bunnies, and chocolate.

A view of the Bay.

Most of the club arrived between Friday and Saturday. A packed few days of climbing saw different parties headed to different walls all over the Bay. We had people climbing at Cracks Wall, Secret Garden, the Lower Bluff, and the Point.

Trad climbing at Cracks Wall.

There was a mix of lead climbing, multi-pitching and night climbing, with many members learning new, and more advanced climbing skills.

Bounty from the Easter Bunny.

Most of the club left on Sunday night, not wanting to tempt bad weather. Aidan & I stayed, hoping for some more opportunities to climb. Our efforts yielded a soggy ascent of Baloo, before we retreated to Predator Pinnacle for some slightly drier climbing, which led to a flash of Predator, and an onsight of Aliens.

Climbing at Secret Garden.

A massive thanks to Dale and Albie for organising the car pool, gear, and boat!

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